I can't wait until The Devil Wears Prada comes out tomorrow! I always love when I get to see movies based on books I've read. It's fun to see how close the two are. It's disappointing when the film is really different, because sometimes the changes don't seem important. But I think this one will be pretty similar to the book. I loved the novel, by Lauren Weisberger. It was funny and the characters were great and the situations were outrageous.
I hope I never have a boss like Miranda Priestly. There could be teachers down the line that mirror her, and in fact there may have been already. Everyone knows those kinds of people who are in authority and who make you want to throw up with anxiety because you're afraid you'll do something wrong. That's Miranda Priestly, who is played in the movie by Meryl Streep, who looks like she'll do a fantastic job.
Anyway, Summer is still here. I cannot wait until it gets lost. I keep telling it to hit the road, but it just sticks around with its arms crossed, refusing to even cool down a bit. I love the long days, but does that make up for the unbearably hot weather? Maybe I should hibernate in the summer, like bears do in winter. Then when autumn comes, I'll emerge and bask in the orange colors and the crisp, cool air. But I can't do that because I have to go to... The Prison. Horror movie music should be playing at this moment to signify my dread.
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