Friday, June 30, 2006

Like Clockwork

Last night I watched a great movie on TCM. It was called The Clock, and it starred Judy Garland and Robert Walker. Walker is a soldier on two-day leave in New York. He meets Garland and asks her to show him around the city. The two spend the day together, and that night they meet under a clock (hence the title of the film). They spend the night together helping a milkman deliver his milk (It sounds silly, but it's actually quite cute.). They end up falling in love, but he has to leave in two days.

The movie was dramatically romantic, in the way that only classic movies can be. I especially liked the couple's first kiss, when from over Walker's shoulder you can see Garland raise her eyebrow as dramatic music plays in the usual classic movie fashion.

It was a wonderful way to spend the night, and the ending made me tear up a bit. I won't ruin it for anybody, because I hate having movies ruined for me. I've had The Sixth Sense, Citizen Kane, and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ruined for me. I watched Citizen Kane on TCM a few days ago. Well, I actually only heard it because I was knitting, and I just looked up at the television every once in a while. Can you say you've seen a movie if you really only heard it? I was knitting during The Clock also, but since I'm a slightly more experienced knitter at this point, I was able to knit and watch at the same time. I'm a multi-tasker.

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