So, I'll admit I'm not a huge music fan. Sure, I own a bunch of CDs and I have favorite musicians and I like music. But I'm not a really big fan. I do, however, adore Lisa Loeb. She inspired me to embrace the fact that I wear glasses. Look at her! She looks great in them. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen her without her glasses. Anyway, I first became a fan when I heard a song of hers during the credits of The Bumblebee Flies Anyway, starring Elijah Wood. I'd seen her before on an episode of Pyramid. It was right before I got my glasses. I saw her glasses and thought, "Hey, those glasses are cool. I'm getting a pair like those." Then I heard the song in the film and said, "Okay, I am buying her CD." So I did, and I absolutely adored it. If I hadn't been an Elijah Wood fan, I may never have known how great Lisa Loeb's music is. Anyway, after I heard her first album, I bought her others, and I cannot wait until she comes out with another one! I remember asking my mom while browsing in a used CD store while picking up a Lisa Loeb album, "What kind of music does Lisa Loeb play?" My mother had heard of her, but was unsure about what her music was like. If I only knew then that she would soon become my favorite musician! I once compared one of her songs to an Emily Dickinson poem in English class. 
In addition to Lisa Loeb, I am a fan of Jewel. My dad thought I'd like her music, so I bought one of her CDs, and I loved it, so I bought the other ones. When I say I bought the others I don't mean all at one time. I can never keep my cash long enough to buy more than one CD at once. Well, I have done that once or twice, but usually I don't. Anyway, she just came out with a new album, and I think it may be my favorite. I even have a copy of her poetry book, and I shared one with my English class one day.
I also like Tegan and Sara. I read about them in a magazine, listened to their music in a CD store, loved it, and (guess what?!) bought one of their CDs. You know the rest of the story. It's the same as the other two. Anyway, I have their three albums.
So anyway, now you know my musical taste. Tomorrow maybe something interesting will actually occur (gasp) so I can write something a little more... deep. Ha! Like I could write anything deep!
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