Television is great. And do you know what is also great (and arguably better? By arguably I mean I would argue.)? Television show t-shirts! Yay!
Anyway, my favorite TV shows have great t-shirts available. I'd like to showcase them here, because I like them.
The first show that has a wonderful t-shirt is The Soup. I watch this show every Friday night at 10 PM on E!. The shirt is very simple, not quite as fun as you'd expect from such a silly show, but it's still a pretty nice t-shirt. It's available at E's shopping website.
The second shirt is not a shirt especially for the television show, but it is an adorable shirt. It's for Gilmore Girls, on the WB at 8 PM on Tuesdays, and ever since I saw Rory wearing it at the breakfast table at Yale, I've been in love with it. It tells the truth, and it has a picture of a girl with glasses. Could it get any better? When I saw it on the Gilmore Girls site, I was amazed.
The next shirt is for Lost, on Wednesdays at 9 PM on ABC. There are so many great shirts on the ABC website that it was hard to just pick one to showcase. But this one is pretty cool, and you have to be a Lost fan to figure it out (although most people are pretty familiar with the numbers, even if they don't watch the show). There's also a few Driveshaft t-shirts, and one that says "I'm a bloody rock god." There's also an Oceanic sweatshirt and a Dharma shirt. There's a shirt that reads "Press the button," and on the other side it shows the timer in the hatch. If you're a Lost fan, also check out my mom's website, where she writes about her incredible theory for the show. I think she's right.
Last but certainly not least is Monty Python's Flying Circus. Yes, there are no new episodes. But I don't care. This t-shirt from cafepress.com is very cute and funny. The website has hundreds of designs for Monty Python. I also especially liked one with a gnome on it that read "We are the gnomes who say 'Gni!'" It's cute! Don't deny it! It's a very clever idea.
Anyway, I'm probably not buying any of these soon, since I'm skint (watch Gilmore Girls). But they're still fun to look at. And the shows are good, too.
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