Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back in Black

I'm back! I've been gone for quite some time! It's that darn Prison again. But I've been wearing those boots from the previous post, and they are some of the most comfortable heels I've ever worn. They are amazing.

Anyway, I thought I'd point out that even though I haven't posted for awhile, I haven't forgotten Near-Sighted. In fact, I've been asked by my Myspace-obsessed friends if I have a Myspace, and I reply "No, but I have a blog." They always frown at this, and then I add "It's a pretty rockin' one, too." I've kind of made "rockin'" my new word. My friend will never let me forget that I called the pep ralley "rockin'" sarcastically a few months ago.

Not only am I back. But I'm back in black. I love the color black. I used to hate it, and would strive for color, but now I love black, and I'm surprised at how quickly I've accumulated so many black clothes. I especially love it with white, and tuxedo-like pieces are an obsession right now. So I encourage everyone to find a particular trademark or color that you love and go with it. One of my friends likes dangly earrings. I love necklaces and bows and did I mention shoes?

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