What is it about rain that is so peaceful? When you hear it from inside and sense the darkness through the blinds, it just puts you in a tranquil mood and makes you want to stay inside and work on your summer reading. Or watch a classic movie. Or play Go Fish. Or eat macaroni and cheese. What I always end up recalling about summer is the rain that comes down in the afternoon. Even though it can be inconvenient when you go outside, making you feel all sticky and flattening your hair, it's peaceful when you're inside. And who wants to go outside, anyway? I mean, it's hot all over the United States. It's torture to just step a foot out the door. So rain isn't too bad. I don't know why rain is so nice, because it's usually associated with sadness. And I suppose it is sad when it's been raining for weeks on end, but when it's just an afternoon it's good. I don't know why I'm talking about rain. I'm not even sure it
is raining. It just feels like it is. I'm probably wrong.
I was looking at a couple of the photos on the blog of Marilyn and Audrey, and they both have raised eyebrows and pouty lips. I guess that kind of "I'm startled, but I want to kiss you" look was popular in the 50s and 60s. I should pose like that for my school picture. I'd look a lot cooler than some of the other kids who don't even bother to smile. They guffaw like walruses at lunch with their friends, but when it comes to smiling for an inanimate object (camera) and a person they'll never meet again in their lives (photographer), they refuse to crack a smile, like they don't want to ruin their "serious image." I think we should all pose like Audrey and Marilyn, even the boys. The yearbook could use a little glamour.
Oh I love the snuggle up in bed and read a book when its raining. It feels so nice and comfy! About the pictures, that's a really good idea actually. I always smile like an idiot and look horrible.
That's a good idea about school pictures! :) Too bad no one in high school is nearly as pretty as Audrey.
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