Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mod is the New... Boho?

Mod is in! In all of my newest magazines, black and white stripes and skinny black pants and boots cover the pages. I caught sight of these boots in my Delia's catalogue. They're called the Sedgwick boots, and they had one or two other articles of clothing called the Edie. Plus, there were entire pages devoted to the mod look.

Anyway, I'm excited, because I love the mod look. I certainly hope it replaces the Flashdance look that seems to be creeping up all over the place. I hate the eighties, although I do own about 5 pairs of leggings and a couple of tunics, and I was one of the first people to seek skinny jeans (I could only find one pair, and now, a few months later, all anybody wants is skinny jeans. I'm ahead on all the trends. Not to brag.).

Sienna Miller is playing Edie Sedgwick in the flick Factory Girl, so that'll probably bring the mod look back even more.

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