I absolutely adore Bridget Jones! I saw the first movie (Bridget Jones's Diary) for the first time about a month ago, and I just recently saw the second (Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) movie, which I think I may have liked better than the first.
I have an affinity for all things British (Well, maybe not all things. British criminals, for example, are not really admired by moi.), so obviously I adore the adorable Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger). And I can relate to her in many ways. Of course, I don't have the dilemma of choosing between Hugh Grant and Colin Firth, but we do both keep journals, and we both like Ben and Jerry's ice cream, as seen in the photo at the right. We're also both clumsy and sometimes we say the wrong things. I tend to be focusing on negative things. Not that journals and ice cream are negative. Especially not ice cream.
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