Look at this gorgeous green 1950's sun dress from vintageous.com! I LOVE green and I LOVE vintage, so seeing this dress makes me drool! Unfortunately, it's very expensive and also SOLD, but I can still admire it. Can you imagine getting on the bus the first day back to The Prison wearing that?! That would be the coolest thing possible. Everybody would be in their boring tank tops and capri pants and I would be in this vintage vision walking the halls like an old Hollywood movie star. Can't you just see Audrey Hepburn in this? Of course, it'd have to be a glorious Technicolor film to show off the amazing green color! I am in awe. I'm picturing how great it would be to wear this to school. NOBODY wears stuff like this to my school. They don't even wear stuff like this to the formal dances. Check out pictures of my eighth grade formal dress here, as long as we're on the subject of school dances. Mine was channeling 1920's flappers. And I wore comfortable shoes. Most girls had thrown their heels in the corner halfway through the dance. Plus, it was really cheap. And no, I am not wearing my glasses in the photographs. I was a bad girl. Back to the green dress. I'd imagine some really hip high school in NYC or LA might have a few fashionistas sporting stuff like this, but not in the suburbs. I believe Leith, creator of the blog You Know You Love It says it best: "Highschool in the suburbs is what some people call Le Suck. But only if you have crap clothes, everything looks better when you're wearing something stylish." That's exactly it, and this dress would make everything better. My fashionephile (I made up a word!?) is coming out, as you can see. And check out these shoes from remixvintageshoes.com! The green pair would be perfect with the dress! Oh, if only these clothes were incredibly cheap! Well, we can't all be Carrie Bradshaw. But we can try to come close.
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